Welcome & Agenda

What to Expect What to Expect

Welcome to the Skyhigh SSE Hands-On Lab! Today we’ll be rolling up our sleeves and learning the basics of how to configure a centralized security mesh using your very own Skyhigh and AWS tenants.

Agenda (Approximately 3 hours):

  1. Welcome - What we’re doing now!
  2. Introduction to SSE - A high-level overview of the SASE and SSE market and technologies.
  3. Hands-on Lab - You’ll use a live Skyhigh tenant to manage risk, secure Internet access and cloud services, apply data protection policies, and gain ZTNA remote access to private resources running in AWS.
  4. Free Time - While you’ll have access to the lab materials (this page) forever, the Skyhigh and AWS tenants used in todays lab will typically expire at midnight. If you need extended access, please contact your instructor.


  1. Hardware - We highly recommend that you attend this workshop using a computer with keyboard and mouse. Multiple monitors will come in handy but are not required.
  2. Software - We recommend the latest Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser for the best experience. You’ll also be connecting to a remote desktop using software that is built into both Windows and Mac.
  3. Internet Connectivity - If you are attending the workshop remotely, you’ll need to access various resources within our workshop environment. We recommend that you have outbound TCP port 3389 available so that you can access your SSE client, but it is also possible to access this using Guacamole (RDP over HTTPS) provided access to https://rdp.skyhighlabs.net is not restricted.