Configure Office365 Restriction

Objective: Expore the Skyhigh Security Cloud Registry


Access your Web Policy Tree

  1. On your local machine (not the remote desktop), return to the Skyhigh Cloud browser tab (or log in again )
  2. From the top navigation bar, navigate to Policy > Web Policy > Policy Web Policy Navigation Web Policy Navigation

Configure a Tenant Restriction for Microsoft Office365

  1. From the Web Policy Tree, expand Application Control and select Tenant Restriction App control Navigation App control Navigation

  2. Check the box next to Block Personal Instances of Office365

  3. In the pane that appears, enter the following information: Directory ID: dc843d33-976c-43d8-9e0b-6fa802986077 Email domains:

    O365 Restriction Configuration O365 Restriction Configuration

  4. Click Save.

Publish your Changes

  1. A yellow shield will appear at the top of your screen and prompt you to Publish or Discard your changes. Publish your changes. Publish Changes Publish Changes