Test the isolation

Validate SCP has updated its configuration

SCP synchronizes its configuration in regular intervals (set to 5 minutes in our test environment). Please compare the SCP policy revision in the SSE GUI with the active one at the client to ensure that you are good to go to the next steps and test.

  1. From that window - note your Revision ID SCP Revision SCP Revision
  2. Next, switch to your Client (RDP) and search for About Skyhigh Client Proxy About SCP About SCP
  3. Compare the revision ID shown with the ID from the SSE Console - if they match you are good to go (you will also notice that the Active Proxy entry changed) About SCP Revision About SCP Revision

If the Revision number don’t match - please wait as this sync happens every 5 minutes.

Test the Isolation

  1. On your Lab Client open a Browser (Google Chrome recommended)
  2. Visit an unverified page e.g. bytet.com
  3. Note that this request is handled by RBI

RBI from onPrem RBI from onPrem

  1. Visit a blocked page e.g. 888.com
  2. Note that this request is handled by the onPrem SWG (the property “In the Cloud” is “false”)

Block from onPrem Block from onPrem