Cloud Connector and SWG Integration

Cloud Connector Integration

To demonstrate the integration between the Cloud Regsitry and Service Groups with the SWG appliance, we have setup a Skyhigh Cloud Connector to serve as a web server for retrieving subscribed lists. This reference system will be used for all lab users.

Cloud Connector Integration 1 Cloud Connector Integration 1

The Cloud Connector is linked to a Skyhigh Security SSE reference system. Note the symbolic link.

Cloud Connector Integration 2 Cloud Connector Integration 2

SWG Integration

On the Skyhigh Security SSE reference system we have created the same service group for anonymous service usage, that you have configured on your lab systems.

Also we have prepared the integration to allow your Skyhigh SWG lab appliance to retrieve the service group as a subscribed list. The following screenshots depict the guided configuration steps through the integration wizard. This is for reference only, no activity is required for the lab.

  1. Open the Firewall / Proxy configuration in the Settings menu

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  1. Start the configuration wizard

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In the configuration wizard you have to:

  1. Select Skyhigh Security Web Gateway as your proxy type.

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  1. Select the Service Groups you would like to expose on the Cloud Connector.

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  1. Configure Email to be notified on changes in the service group (optional).

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  1. Review and save the configuration.

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Once these steps are complete, the selected Service Groups are made available for download from the Cloud Connector from the indicated URL.

The lists on the Skyhigh Cloud Connector are automatically kept up to date whenever the Service Group content changes.

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To retrieve the list manually, simply open the URL in your browser. Use this URL to retrieve the list:

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