Create a Classification

Objective: Create a DLP Classification Using Your New Fingerprint



Perform the steps below from the Skyhigh Dashboard tab in your browser (not in the remote desktop / Guacamole session)

Create a Custom Data Classification

  1. From the Skyhigh Dashboard main heading, select Policy > DLP Policies > Classification.
  2. From the Actions dropdown menu, select Create Classification.
  3. Give your new classification a name, such as Payment Account Database.
  4. Under the Conditions for Rule Group 1, click Select Criteria and choose Exact Data Matching from the list.
  5. Give your match a name, such as Bulk Payment Database Entries.
  6. Under Fingerprint Name choose: Name, CardNumber, and StreetAddress.
  7. Under Single Row Criteria match at least 3 columns and leave the word spacing to the default of 10.
  8. Under Number of unique rows set it to match at least 1 row.
  9. Click Save to save your fingerprint match settings.
  10. Click Save to save your classification.