Link SWG Appliance and Cloud Tenant

Next, we will provision your SWG appliance to enable a secure connection with your cloud tenant.

Get Customer ID and SCP Shared Secret from your Cloud Tenant

The SWG cloud tenant is identified by its customer id. A shared secret is used to encrypt header information and to secure communication when connecting to the cloud tenant from an appliance or from a client. Next, you will gather this information to link your SWG appliance to your cloud tenant.

  1. On your local machine (not the remote desktop), return to the Skyhigh Cloud browser tab (or log in again )
  2. Click on the “gear icon” -> Infrastructure -> Client Proxy Management

SCP Settings SCP Settings

  1. Select the Global Configuration -> Tenant Authentication
  2. You are presented with the Customer ID and Shared Secret. To export these click on Actions -> Export Credentials

SCP Credentials SCP Credentials

  1. Open the XML file and note down the CustomerID and SharedPassword

SCP Credentials XML SCP Credentials XML

  1. The SharedPassword in this Workshop is always the same 9FUFflKxJ3xiltQplTiR2Q==

Setup the SWG Appliance for Secure Next Hop

Next, we will provision your SWG appliance with the tenant ID and shared secret from your cloud tenant. This configuration is called ”UCE Hybrid”.

  1. Login or switch to your SWG Appliance on your Lab Client
  2. Navigate to Configuration -> UCE Hybrid

SWG UCE Hybrid SWG UCE Hybrid

  1. Enable UCE Hybrid Settings and enter the Customer ID and SharedPassword and click Save Changes

SWG UCE Hybrid filled SWG UCE Hybrid filled