Finish AWS Setup

Objective: Finish Configuring Your Skyhigh for AWS Service Instance


Configure Your Skyhigh for AWS Service

  1. Return to your browser tab with the Skyhigh Dashboard (it should still be on the accounts screen).
  2. Paste the role ARN obtained in the previous section into the Role ARN box and provide a preferred (friendly) name such as Lab AWS Account, then click the Add button. Add AWS Account Add AWS Account
  3. Click the Authenticate Accounts button.
  4. After a few moments, you should receive a popup notifying you that authentication is complete. Dismiss this notification.
  5. On the Notifications screen, leave the default settings and click the Next button.
  6. On the Summary screen, review your work and then click the Save button.
  7. You’ll be returned to the Service Management page.

Congratulations! You’ve connected Skyhigh to AWS!

We’re now able to scan data that resides in your AWS S3 buckets. Let’s move on to configuring DLP!