Collect Credentials

Objective: Collect Your Lab Credentials Using the Skyhigh Labs Ignition Portal



Already registered for credentials and need to access them again? Click Here

Access the Ignition Portal

  1. Visit the Ignition portal. You should already be signed into if you can see this page, but in case your login has expired, you may need to authenticate again.

  2. Click “Register” (you may have to click this twice depending on the auth provider) Click Register Click Register

  3. Enter your first name, last name, company, and your relationship to Skyhigh Security, then click “Submit” Request Credentials Request Credentials


Please also share your company/business email address in the appropriate registration field if the email address is different.

Collect Your Credentials


If you are not presented with a credentials screen as shown below, please stop and notify a proctor of the problem.

  1. Collect your Skyhigh Cloud username, password, and URL as shown below: Skyhigh Credentials Skyhigh Credentials

  2. Collect your Windows client IP address, username, and password as shown below: Windows Credentials Windows Credentials

  3. Collect your AWS account ID, username, and password as shown below: AWS Credentials AWS Credentials

We will also send you this information via email to your registration email address and, if provided, your company email address. You will receive an email looking like this:

AWS Credentials AWS Credentials