Cloud Service Registry

Objective: Explore the Skyhigh Security Cloud Registry


Access the Skyhigh Cloud Registry

  1. On your local machine (not the remote desktop), return to the Skyhigh Cloud browser tab (or log in again )
  2. From the top navigation bar, navigate to Governance > Cloud Registry Cloud Registry Navigation Cloud Registry Navigation

Locate in the Cloud Registry

  1. In the search bar, enter “pastebin” and wait a few moments
  2. From the list that appears, select “Pastebin” from the list Pastebin Registry Pastebin Registry

View pastebin’s Risk Attributes

  1. From’s registry page, click the risk tab. Pastebin Risk Tab Pastebin Risk Tab
  2. Expand the some of the Data Risk Attributes to view more details about vaious data risks.
  3. View attributes for other categories by clicking on the associated score box (User / Device, Service, Business, Legal, or Cyber) Pastebin Risk Tab Pastebin Risk Tab